The Staff of the Office of the State Public Defender want to process your claims for payment as quickly as possible.  The following suggestions can assist in avoiding problems and ensuring your claims are processed efficiently:

  • Claims are submitted using our Online Claims Submission Application.  

  • Read the administrative rules

  • Sign your Claim Form.

  • Proofread the claim. Make sure names, case numbers & county match attachments.

  • Check attachments (appointment order/ order to exceed / disposition order / itemization / receipts).

  • The appointment date = file stamped date on the Appointment Order, unless otherwise indicated in the Order.

  • Submit within 45 days of “date of service”—usually the file stamped date of the disposition Order.

  • Include the code sections available on SPD website. Enter as listed. Separate multiple code sections with semicolon followed by no space. New forms fill in the offense for you.  Fill in the box with the correct offense. Contempt cases should include the type of contempt and the proper code section.

  • Juvenile claims only need the last names(s) of the child/children in the Case Name field.

  • Submit your time in tenths of an hour on the claim form—not hundredths.

  • Break down expenses on the claim form instead of just listing a total amount.

  • Obtain prior approval for extraordinary expenditures.

  • Do not pay vendors directly—they should submit their claims to our office directly.

  • Make sure the address and pay to information on your claim form matches your most recently submitted W-9 form and contract.

Do not hesitate to contact the Claims Staff with questions before you submit the claim.